Is discrimination going on in my workplace?

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New Member
Location: VA

I work for a multibillion dollar company. I am just a staff professional whose history with the company has been about a couple of years. The industry I am part of is a very male dominated industry and not many women have ascended to the ranks of anything beyond a manager. Recently, we found out that someone in our department had received a promotion and would be moving out into the new position soon. This person left the company about a year ago, was rehired with a different title and now is moving up the corporate ladder. What I am upset about is the fact that the position was not disclosed internally to the entire company, a few people only knew and applied for it. Myself and another female colleague didn't even know about that there was an opening and that a selection process and deadlines to apply where taking place. No females had the opportunity to apply for the position. Were we discriminated? If so, how do I proceed in this case?
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Were we discriminated?
Unfortunately no. There are no laws in any state that require that all positions open in a company are to be disclosed internally or externally.
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