Is he a tenant or not?

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Ohio

My mother-in-law lives on my property in a trailer and does not pay any type of rent or upkeep. Here is my problem: last year she moved in a (companion) and he is living there for free. So after I learned that he had a bad drinking problem and he causes a lot of trouble: distrubing my peace, cursing at my children, driving without a license etc... He recently got out of jail (yesterday) for serving 45 days for DUI without license. When he left he was told not to come back and guess what he showed up yesterday and called the police on me. Police came and told me that I could not throw him out without eviction. He does not pay anything and is a nuisance. Can I put him out without eviction?
Generally police will not interfere in terms of tossing someone out with a court ordered eviction, citing that this is a civil, not criminal matter. The belief is that if someone moves another person in with them and the landlord/owner is aware of this and allows it, that person is considered to be a tenant.

You can tell this person to leave but since he already knows the police won't back you up, he has little incentive to do this.

I've attached some information on your states laws regarding evicting a tenant (and without a lease he would be considered a month to month renter).

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