Is IT a Freedom Smartphone or Just a FreeDumb DumbPhone?

army judge

Super Moderator
I vote:
A = Freedom Smartphone
B = FreeDumb DumbPhone
C = Just another hunk of cheap, Chinese junk
D = I don't know what that thing is

It was a pitch tuned for a politically polarized audience. Erik Finman, a 22-year-old who called himself the world's youngest Bitcoin millionaire, posted a video on Twitter for a new kind of smartphone that he said would liberate Americans from their "Big Tech overlords."

His splashy video, posted in July, had stirring music, American flags and references to former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Donald J. Trump. Conservative pundits hawked Mr. Finman's Freedom Phone, and his video amassed 1.8 million views. Mr. Finman soon had thousands of orders for the $500 device.

Then came the hard part: Building and delivering the phones. First, he received bad early reviews for a plan to simply put his software on a cheap Chinese phone. And then there was the unglamorous work of shipping phones, hiring customer-service agents, collecting sales taxes and dealing with regulators.

"I feel like practically I was prepared for anything," he said in a recent interview. "But I guess it's kind of like how you hope for world peace, in the sense you don't think it's going to happen."

For even the most lavishly funded start-ups, it is hard to compete with tech industry giants that have a death grip on their markets and are valued in the trillions of dollars. Mr. Finman was part of a growing right-wing tech industry taking on the challenge nonetheless, relying more on their conservative customers' distaste for Silicon Valley than expertise or experience.

There are cloud providers hosting right-wing websites, a so-called free-speech video site competing with YouTube and at least seven conservative social networks trying to compete with Facebook.

In 2014, New York magazine profiled Mr. Finman as a 16-year-old from outside Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, who had struck it rich when, a few years earlier, he spent a $1,000 gift from his grandmother on Bitcoin.

By 2017, his riches had topped $1 million and he was posting photos online of him posing with YouTube celebrities, getting on and off private jets, and lighting $100 bills on fire. But he tired of the cryptocurrency scene. "I actually hate talking about Bitcoin," he said. "It's like 'Rolling Stones, play the hits.'"

He dove into politics. He said that by the age of 12, he considered himself a libertarian. (It was at a rally for Ron Paul, the former presidential candidate, when someone first told him about Bitcoin.) But his politics shifted when Mr. Trump arrived on the national political stage. "I drank the Kool-Aid in 2016," he said.

Over the next several years, Mr. Finman said, he became worried about what he viewed as Silicon Valley censoring conservative voices. He also spotted a business opportunity in other Republicans who shared his concerns. So he aimed at the dominance of Apple and Google and tried to create a new right-wing smartphone.

"Politics is the new national pastime, baby," Mr. Finman said. "Even nonpolitical things like a freaking pillow end up becoming political," he added, referring to Mike Lindell, the MyPillow founder, who has peddled lies about the 2020 election.

To make a smartphone, however, he had to rely on Google. The company's Android software already works with millions of apps, and Google makes a free, open version of the software for developers to modify. So Mr. Finman hired engineers to strip it of any sign of Google and load it with apps from conservative social networks and news outlets. Then he uploaded the software on phones he bought from China.

Within a month of the phone's release, Mr. Finman had a solution: sell someone else's phone and act as the branding frontman. Just as Mr. Finman's political inspiration, Mr. Trump, has sold Trump steaks and Trump vodka without running a cattle ranch or a distillery, Mr. Finman unburdened himself of the difficult task of actually managing a company that makes phones.

"When the going gets tough, bring in the 50-something-year-olds," Mr. Finman said in a recent interview. "They can be the ones with the sleepless nights."

He teamed up with a 13-year-old firm in Orem, Utah, called ClearCellular, which had already created a phone that was disconnected from Apple and Google. The company also had experience with logistics, shipping and customer service.

The companies added the American Flag wallpapers and conservative apps to ClearCellular's device and called it the Freedom Phone. Mr. Finman said that the phone also has his "PatriApp Store," though ClearCellular provides the technological support for the app store.

Mr. Finman will collect a cut, though they won't say how much.

Reviews of the new phone haven't been positive. CNET, the product-review site, said the $500 device appeared to be "nearly on par with a $200 budget Android phone."

Michael Proper, 46, the founder of ClearCellular, said Mr. Finman was "really building a brand." Creating a phone company is ambitious, but "not only software, security, hardware, but supply chain, inventory and capitalization," he added. Mr. Finman's strength is "connecting with folks inside of the freedom community."

Mr. Finman said he had orders for about 12,000 Freedom Phones, putting revenue at around $6 million in just over seven weeks. Mr. Finman and Mr. Proper said they had about 8,000 phones left to ship. Mr. Finman declined to connect The New York Times with any customers.

Mr. Finman said that Mr. Proper "is like my Phil Knight, and the Freedom Phone is like the Jordans," referring to the Nike co-founder who helped turn Michael Jordan's shoes into a cultural and commercial hit.

The Strange Tale of the Freedom Phone, a Smartphone for Conservatives
Regardless of the political aspects or the dislike of Google and Apple, the idea of spending $500 on any cell phone is stupid. Yeah, I know, people spend a lot more than that. I heard that there was a $1300 cell phone out there someplace.

Apple phones tend to cost more than Android phones so I have an Android phone. I don't like or trust all the Google crap on my phone but I tolerate it because the phone only cost me $40 from Tracfone and I don't spend a lot on minutes because I don't spend a lot of time on the phone. I certainly don't need a lot of bells and whistles.

However, if the phone works and satisfies a consumer's conservative bias, I give Mr Finman props for making millions off of consumer desires.

Wish I could come up with an idea like that. Sigh.
However, if the phone works and satisfies a consumer's conservative bias, I give Mr Finman props for making millions off of consumer desires.

I don't give him any props for what is really a scam. He's promising the phone does things it does not do. I see nothing more than fraud here.

Wish I could come up with an idea like that. Sigh.

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