Is it against rules to interview for another position while on disability?

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I am currently on disability and NOT actively seeking other employment. I have, however, had my "feelers" out there over the last couple of years. Two great positions crossed my path while on disability and I interviewed.
I will have to go back to work and give my 2 week notice on my first day back from disability.
Is there something illegal about this?
Thanks much!
We cannot predict what your particular outcomes your case may present. It can be reasonably inferred, if you went to interviews, you were in fact seeking other employment. A rebuttal to this would be if you happened to accidentally get trapped in a broken elevator, for an hour or so, with a hiring manager.
It's not illegal, no. If you take one of the jobs and start work it can reasonably be inferred that you are no longer disabled; however you will not have violated any laws.
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