Regrettable Presumption!
Technically, yes! Of Course it is illegal for an 18 year old to date a 16 year old with the relative criminal statutes reading almost identically throughout the United States, and are almost verbatim which say in essence that a person who has not reached 18 years of age IS AN INFANT, or a minor as it is better know, and the person who is 18 years or older is an ADULT, and never the two shall meet in romantic situations or there will be consequences.
But I said technically!
Because even though the laws which are meant to protect minors from adult predatorily conduct are serious in nature and even more seriously applied (and rightly so) and that any relationship between a minor and an adult is never condoned and always frowned upon, there is only one situation in which the adult can escape punishment but be reprimanded heavily for having relations with a minor. And that is when the age difference between the happy couple is no more than three (years + or -).
So if one is 15, the other better be 18, or if the girl is 17, the boy had better be no older than 20 years old, and I would be remiss if I did not say that the line for such tolerance is drawn heavily at the age of 14. PERIOD!
Again, this three- year age difference is NOT a license for an adult to date minors with impunity, but it is a Rebuttable Presumption that comes into play should the adult find himself or herself in the criminal court.
As for what Rebuttable Presumptions means in this regard, well, you should look it up for yourselves.