My husband worked for a bank until 4 years ago when the unexpected occurred. It was during a several month period when a total of 80,000.00 went missing from one account. Not all at once but in several separate withdrawals. My husband was being accused of hard core theft. He was vigorously interrogated and investigated for a year by the Feds. He held tight to his innocence and faith that it would all work itself out in the end. After a year the Feds dropped the case against my husband because there was absolutely no evidence against him. A year after the case was dropped by the Feds my husband was arrested by the county sheriffs. And then his nightmare began again. But this time a fabricated case that only the police and D.A. would be allowed to view would be put into existence. See, in Williamson County, Texas the prosecutors do not have to show the evidence prior to trial. So, my husband a single father of two at the time was told that there was hard proof he was guilty and they were going to see to it that he went to prison for a very long time and would never see his children grow up. He was coerced to plea guilty and take a deal that would allow him probation in place of jail time and he would have to repay the 80,000.00. He was not allowed to speak on his behalf. And the evidence supposedly against was never shown. Although he avoided jail Time and avoided being taken away from his children he still lives a life of imprisonment. He can't find work because of his criminal back ground check and he has to be on a curfew everyday and he has to make a 900.00 payment to the county every month until the 80,000 that he never stole is paid back. All the actual evidence was never told. Like the fact that his last day at the bank, the day he was stripped of his security codes and combinations and walked out of the bank which was approximately one hour after the morning shift began, money went missing under his i.d. that afternoon. Yet, he wasn't anywhere near the bank. But that would never be told. I blame a falty legal system. I blame the fact that my husband couldnt afford a better attourney. But, I am thankful. Because if all that would have never happened, his wife wouldn't have left him and he wouldnt be mine and we wouldn't be raising our five children together. Now, I'm trying to find any information i can about how i can clear his name. I want more than anything for him to have his whole life back.