Is it harrassment?

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I have a male co-worker who likes to tell stories about his life experiences. While it is moderately annoying to me, he uses words like "chicks" and "bitches" from time to time. A female employee told me that I should correct him or I will be guilty of sexual harrassment. Is that true? Also, is there a guide somewhere?
Tasteless, maybe, but I don't see how this can be illegal.

But stand by for other opinions.
Are you the employee's supervisor? Or in any way is he in a reporting relationship to you?
not a supervisor

No. I'm not his supervisor by definition, but it is a small office and in my role I do assign him tasks from time to time. I don't know if that can be contrued as senior to him. He usually walks into my office and shares his little insights in an almost whisper, but the other day he was talking about an old boss and called her a bitch but was in the main admin room and was overheard by a couple of women. A female employee complained to another male employee I am friends with who told me. I then spoke with her to clarify and that's when she told me that I need to correct him.
In that case, she is wrong. You are not legally responsible for correcting him. At least, not as she has put it.

However, if you are a manager and there has been a complaint made to you, legally the company is now on notice that there is a problem, and the company can be held legally liable if it is not stopped. Whether that means you correct him or you report it to HR and they handle it is up to your company's procedures. But something now needs to be done to stop the objectionable behavior.
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