Is it illegal for this to happen?

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My 2 grandchildren are supposed to come to my house every other weekend. They haven't done that in 6 months, and they still aren't doing so. Their father said we have no right to see them, even though he said we could. I have papers stating that it is a visitation right and that it is court orders for them to see me. Is is illegal for their father to keep us away from them? We don't have any restraining order or anything. Their sister has to live with this and it breaks my heart because she cries everyday and every night because of this. What am I supposed to do?
If you have a court order directing the parent(s) to allow the kids to visit you, and they aren't coming you'll have to take it to court and tell the judge.


Speak with your attorney.
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Sometimes local law enforcement will help with this if you can produce a court order and there is a clear violation of it.
Ultimately the problem will have to be settled back in the court, but the law enforcement contact might persuade the other party to follow the rules.
Additionally I do want to mention one thing:

Even IF it's proven that the parents aren't going to follow the order, the parents aren't going to lose custody.

First though, which US state are we talking about, and is the order from that state or somewhere else? How old are the children?
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