Personal Bankruptcy is it legal to publish chapter 7???

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hi i realize bankruptcy is public record, but our local paper has never published them.then on a sunday before the publishing they had an article talking about the area and all the bankrupty filings,they stated they were going to start publishing them. The next day they did. for the first time ever, of course ours was published, we were mortified! we had no idea they would do this,they never had in the past.can they get away with changing peoples lives like that? i know you can't get fired over this , but employers sure can find other ways to do this! i am pissed!!!!!!! please let me know if there is any legal recourse.thanks moakes
That's a great but tough question and I don't know the answer to it -- I'll probably ask a colleague who may have experience in this kind of a matter. Public records have been the source of much free reign as they are public and the newspaper has not stated anything false, nor does it seem directed specifically at you. I'm not sure you have a case despite the fact that there doesn't seem to be a huge benefit in publishing the bankruptcy filings because (1) creditors will do a background and credit check and (2) you will be responsible for all your debts on an ongoing basis and cannot opt for bankruptcy again for quite a long time.

Perhaps going to the news might be a good way to get even if the law doesn't present remedies. Obviously, you wouldn't want your name in the news, but it would make for a great story that would be of exposure to a great deal more viewers than the local paper. Bankruptcy is not an easy decision and is designed to assist people who have lost a great deal of their life to start anew. There is no need to punish -- perhaps they are unaware of the full repercussions and you should make them aware.
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