Oklahoma Is it legal

Jerry A Wood

New Member
I have gender dysphoria and my insurance from work may be breaking the law and I just want to confirm it before I confrunt them or if I have no other choice take them to court. I had to mention that if they cover estrogen for post miniposal women they have to cover it for me. They are covering that. The issue is and I have to fully confirm my coverage includes mental health but the issue is in there exclutions page of the plan summery they list specificly Gender Dysphoria treatments as excluded. Is this legal or should I tell them it is discrimination and they are legaly obligated to cover it. As seeing a Psyciotrist is part of the transition requierments for surgery to aquire a letter of readieness I need it but can not afford it out of pocket.I am including a coppy of the exclutions page so you can see what I am talking about. The part in question is highlighted. Any advice would help.


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I have gender dysphoria and my insurance from work may be breaking the law and I just want to confirm it before I confrunt them or if I have no other choice take them to court. I had to mention that if they cover estrogen for post miniposal women they have to cover it for me. They are covering that. The issue is and I have to fully confirm my coverage includes mental health but the issue is in there exclutions page of the plan summery they list specificly Gender Dysphoria treatments as excluded. Is this legal or should I tell them it is discrimination and they are legaly obligated to cover it. As seeing a Psyciotrist is part of the transition requierments for surgery to aquire a letter of readieness I need it but can not afford it out of pocket.I am including a coppy of the exclutions page so you can see what I am talking about. The part in question is highlighted. Any advice would help.

I suggest you address all of your concerns regarding your coverage with a customer service representative of your insurer, or direct an attorney you've retained to assist you.

Don't confuse health insurance obtained through the government marketplace with insurers you obtain via other sources.

Transgender health care coverage
Your basic premise is invalid. Just because hormone treatment can be used for different things doesn't make it (illegally) discriminatory to be covered for one condition and not the other. If they don't cover MtF and FtM treatments equally, then they're not discriminating based on a protected class.

I don't see any mandate for gender dysphoria treatments of any form. Various plans cover this or not.

This appears not to be health insurance but some prescription drug plan which is even less regulated.

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