Is my husband liable for my debt?

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New Member
I live in California.had taken out lines of credit and credit cards in my name only. He did not know about them, as they were "cost of business". They were not secured. They came in the mail and were approved over the phone. I am unable to pay them now as I cannot work due to health reasons. All the debt has gone to third party debt collection agencies who I believe are trying to sue me now, but I am not signing for the registered mail.My husband cannot afford to pay them either as he is supporting our family. Is he liable under California law if they cannot collect from me? Can they obtain a judgment from him and clear out his bank account? What is the process involved in this? Must they then sue him or can they just go in and take what they want? Can they collect from his employer and take $$$ out of his check? Any help would be so appreciated. I cannot afford to hire an attorney.
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