Is my lease valid?

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New Member
So I signed all the paperwork on the lease 3/23/13. Moved into my apartment 3/26/13. The next month I got a job offer out of state that I can not turn down. I have to break my lease. There are no early termination clauses so the landlord wants to hold me responsible for the remainder of the lease (3/2014). YikeS!!

I recently (4/25/13) received an email stating that the owner HAS NOT and WILL NOT sign the lease until I put their name as a secondary insured on my renters insurance. I have had them on my renters insurance from the start so I don't know why they think they are not on it.

If I have this email as proof that they did not sign the lease, and I have already given notice of termination before I have been given a signed copy, am I still bound by the contract?

Please help me!! I'm putting in my notice of resignation at my current job and am hoping not to lose tons of cash on this lease :/
You won't be responsible for a year of rent. The landlord must make a good faith effort to rent the apartment and you can only be held responsible until a new tenant is found. If you had already moved in then consider yourself on the hook. A written least is not a requirement.
Do yourself a favor and help to find a qualified tenant to minimize your damages. Be careful paying rent after you move because the landlord may be collecting double.
Interestingly, Pennsylvania is a state where the landlord isn't required to mitigate his losses in regards to this matter. It would be best for the tenant to begin looking for a replacement tenant instead of attempting to find a loophole to get out of his lease.

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