Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Is Sexual harassment a crime?

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New Member

I would like to know whether sexual harassment is considered a crime under federal/state law in the U.S. Crime as in go to jail.

I do know that in some circumstances sexual harassment is considered a violation of Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964, but that cannot lead to someone arrest, right?

Thanks a lot,

Employment Harassment v. Employment Discrimination

No, by its very definition, sexual harassment is not a criminal act and such the question of going to jail becomes redundant. It is however an Employment Tort claim, the litigation for which takes place in the civil courts. That being of course, a contradiction in terms since sexual harassment lawsuits are very tricky to prove and are usually knock-out, drag-down, nasty, ugly adversarial affairs.

And the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 pertains to employment discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race when it comes to hiring, promoting, and firing and the legal consequences for violation of this act are again of a civil nature and not criminal.

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