Is the divorce decree legally binding?

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New Member
In my divorce decree, I waived maintenance & my ex claims our 3 children on his tax return. It states that the ex will pay for all "uncoverd" medical. That either parent will contact the other within 24hrs to notify of appts made. Now, he's threatening to take me to court & modify the decree. Also, that he was going to contact any of our kids doctors & the them that he doesn't make the aps, he won't pay them. Can he just stop paying the uncovered (ei: copays) m?edical
24 hours sometimes isn't enough notice for a parent to get time off work, etc., - there's a chance he can get that modified.

If he stops paying or doesn't pay what he's ordered to pay, you can either pay yourself and sue him in small claims court or take him back to court and file for contempt.
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