Is the lease legal?

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Me and another person are supposed to be on a lease. When I looked it over, I realized that my name is not printed anywhere in the lease as a tenant, or at all. But I did sign at the end on the signature line with the other person. Am I legally obligated to this lease even though I'm not listed as a tenant?
Me and another person are supposed to be on a lease. When I looked it over, I realized that my name is not printed anywhere in the lease as a tenant, or at all. But I did sign at the end on the signature line with the other person. Am I legally obligated to this lease even though I'm not listed as a tenant?

If you merely signed a lease, without being named in the lease; you might NOT be a party to said lease.

Why not discuss this with the person named on the lease?

You might also wish to discuss it with the landlord.

Have you changed your mind?

Do you wish to no longer live in the unit?

Formally adding your name to the lease will be easier than getting out of the lease, assuming you are a party to said lease.
I have a reference that says if you sign the lease but are not named in the lease, you are not a party to the lease. I don't know if that info is correct or maybe it depends on the state. It was a general statement in a loose leaf binder with all kinds of legal information. (all info written by lawyers except the employment law info written by lawyers and/or top HR personnel)
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