Is there anything an executor is not allowed to tell the heirs?

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My mother died in December. My brother is the executor of her estate and we have one sister. Our mother's will is the famous "divided equally among my children" version. She has been dead over four months, closer to five. My brother hasn't met with my sister and I yet. He has discussed very little with us individually. He is living in our mother's house. One small disbursement has been made to us from the liquid assets in her bank account, there is still a little over $26,000 in her bank account but he tells us he cant divide that part yet. He ran the executors notice in the paper, and anybody with a claim against the estate had to make it known by March 27th 2008. My mother owed nothing, was adamant about keeping her bills paid and paid cash for everything. She had her funeral arrangements taken care of and paid for. We have alot of land that will be selling before long. My brother keeps telling my sister and I that there are things that as executor he is not allowed to tell us, though we are supposed to be equal heirs. Her home is still as it was almost 5 months ago when she died. We haven't divided anything in the house, there are many antiques and valuable things that my sister and I would like to sit down and discuss dividing with our brother. He tells us that we cant do that yet, and he is living in the house. Is there a law that he cant tell us certain things? I am a little worried, and terribly confused.... thank you very much.
Your brother is lying to you.

YOU hire a lawyer to protect YOUR interests.

And, while you are at it, go to the courthouse and pay for a complete copy of the file.
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