Is this a valid case?

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My ex husband applied for government assistant, repeatly. I am ordered to pay child support. He is unemployed and cannot get a job because of a prior case against him. I want to know what can I do to gain custody and stop sending child support. I provide all of their needs without government assistance. DO I have a valid case against him and the state? (He applied for medicad, but I have them covered on my insurance. He also applied for TANF, and recieves food stamps.)
My ex husband applied for government assistant, repeatly. I am ordered to pay child support. He is unemployed and cannot get a job because of a prior case against him. I want to know what can I do to gain custody and stop sending child support. I provide all of their needs without government assistance. DO I have a valid case against him and the state? (He applied for medicad, but I have them covered on my insurance. He also applied for TANF, and recieves food stamps.)

I suggest you speak to an attorney.

You make some valid points, many valid points.

But, your remedy lies in some Texas District Court in the county where dad resides, or perhaps where your divorce was rendered.

Either way, get thee to an attorney to discuss this ASAP.
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