Is this actually possibly a lawsuit? If so how??

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I want to know how to proceed for future reference. Can one get in trouble for a YouTube comment taunting someone, particularly for something they're not tied with by law? (I can't find the screenshot. Yet For me, including the settlements, along with a YouTube urinatingtree touching on this in a steeler video, and knowing how often athletes can get away with actions, I find it hard to believe Qb Ben is innocent of rape). If someone calls him a rapist, on a YouTube comment or in a casual crowd, can you still actually face legal trouble??
Is this actually possibly a lawsuit?

"Actually possibly"?

Is it actually a lawsuit? No, what you described is not a lawsuit.

Could the facts that you vaguely and ambiguously described result in a lawsuit? Sure. Would any such lawsuit be meritorious? No way for anyone here to know.

Can one get in trouble for a YouTube comment taunting someone, particularly for something they're not tied with by law?

I have no idea what "tied with by law" might mean. Also, "get in trouble" and "taunting" could mean lots of things.

(I can't find the screenshot. Yet For me, including the settlements, along with a YouTube urinatingtree touching on this in a steeler video, and knowing how often athletes can get away with actions, I find it hard to believe Qb Ben is innocent of rape).

Care to try that again in something resembling at least junior high level English?

If someone calls him a rapist, on a YouTube comment or in a casual crowd, can you still actually face legal trouble?

Are "someone" and "you" supposed to be the same person?

Unless you can come up with a MUCH more coherent description of what you're talking about, there's not much anyone here can tell you.
"Actually possibly"?

Is it actually a lawsuit? No, what you described is not a lawsuit.

Could the facts that you vaguely and ambiguously described result in a lawsuit? Sure. Would any such lawsuit be meritorious? No way for anyone here to know.

I have no idea what "tied with by law" might mean. Also, "get in trouble" and "taunting" could mean lots of things.

Care to try that again in something resembling at least junior high level English?

Are "someone" and "you" supposed to be the same person?

Unless you can come up with a MUCH more coherent description of what you're talking about, there's not much anyone here can tell you.
Look If I make a YouTube comment or say in a video calling Ben roethlisberger a rapist, or trump, and believe he is but just hasn't been convicted of one, or say that in a crowd, how much am I putting myself at risk of a lawsuit if someone actually wants to be petty and report it?
Depends on what was said.

Example: If you call somebody a rapist and he isn't you can be sued for defamation.
How can that be possible exactly if I say that on just a regular YouTube video or just in a group at a hangout? Like it's not said in some professional email or document.
To be clear me calling him a rapist in a group of friends or YouTube comment won't warrant legal action right?

To be CLEARER, no one offered any such ignorant, uninformed advice.

As my grandfather and father often told me, "Think anything that you wish, but be very careful before you open your big mouth and vocalize your thoughts, or reduce them to writing."

"You are master of what you say until you utter it, once you deliver it, you are its captive. Preserve your tongue as you do your gold and money. One word could bring disgrace and the termination of a bliss."

"Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough."

- Josh Billings

"Think before you speak, and don't say everything you think."

- Alexander Lebed

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

- Abraham Lincoln

Now my favorite quote!!!

"Let nothing be said about anyone unless it passes through the three sieves: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?"

- Amy Carmichael
If I make a YouTube comment or say in a video calling Ben roethlisberger a rapist, or trump, and believe he is but just hasn't been convicted of one, or say that in a crowd, how much am I putting myself at risk of a lawsuit if someone actually wants to be petty and report it?

Almost certainly not at all.

If you do the research that "adjusterjack" suggested, pay particular attention to the parts about public figures and constitutional malice.
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