Is this age discrimination?

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I work for a big company (more than 3,000 employees). Im 50yrs old, employed for 15years in same dept as customer service rep. You have to have good analytical skills and stay focus in order to keep with your job. So naturally as you get older your analytical skills are not as sharp as you were when you were younger. Now, reason why I think age discrimination in my department: there are only 16 reps left that are over 40 years old out of 260 reps. The dept always sends out announcements via e-mails (dept wide) for well job done; but I always notice that the employees that recieve these Kudos are all young way under 40.

I noticed that young reps are given opportunities (promotional position with in the dept) with discrestion. no job posting or announcement for that position. When there is a job posting with in that department, the majority of applicants with in the dept that sign it are all young and yes some over 40yrs old, but the one the gets the position is allways the younger one.

The company just did a mass hiring of reps and yes all young I would say between 20 to 29yrs old. I think the battery test makes it harder for some one older to pass. When I started there was no such thing as a battery test. There was test but it wasnt a battery test.

About 2yrs ago, my supervisor had me moved to an isolated area away from my group, she felt I need to stay more focus on my work with no distractions, and replaced my old seat with a new younger rep. Then I was reprimanded for using poor judgement on an acct and compared to a new younger rep that did not use poor judgement on the same account.

Then I was put on a probation improvement plan for 1year (my god 1year) not 3mos which is the norm. for poor performance in errors and quality assurance service observing (when they listen to your calls). So I tell them, well Im doing my best not sure why so many errors and the low score on my service observing. I tell them its just so much to cover with added verbage and so forth. the answer back to me was "well everyone else is doing fine with no errors". Ok so Im thinking well maybe its just my age,and my cells in my brain are diminishing.

So 6mos later we had a dept meeting, with an announcement that the company invested into a new software that will prevent future errors? and on service observing they made changes to cut all the added verbage and other stuff that we dont have to say ,ask or cover. So Im thinking: I thought I was the only one with the mistakes of errors,and poor service observing, I know the company didnt do this investment just for me? or the other 15 reps that are around my age.

So do you think maybe age discrimination here? I know of 2 reps that were forced to retired rather than termination due to errors, 1 rep out of stress disability, another rep was terminated. and one rep suspended with pay for a medical disability (who by the way got an attorney for age discrimination).
Rarellan - check out the link below on what age discrimination constitutes and if you still feel that you have been discriminated, you should consult with an attorney and file a complaint with your state's DOL and the EEOC. Good luck to you!
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