Is this an E.E.O. violation, or am I overly sensative?

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I have a daignosed disease (Crohns) and am taking some meds that supress my imune system, which causes me to get sick more often than a normal person. I have already explained this to my main supervisor and he is ok with me going to the Dr. if need be. I always get a Dr.'s note wether I miss work for an hour or the whole day, so as not to create any mistrust issues. I have another supervisor who knows of the situation and fills in for the main, when he is out of town etc. I found out from 3 different employees, that when asked what I have he told them. Let me say here that I don't care who knows I have Crohn's, I'll tell anyone who asks me about it. When asked what it was he told them "It's like A.I.D.S., so you had better stay away from him. He will mess you up if your not careful." First off Crohn's is nothing like A.I.D.S. in that it is in no way contaegous. I work in construction and I don't feel like I need people being told that I have a potentially harmful disease to them if ever there is some sort of accident, and I really don't want him telling people that I could pose a threat to their health. Am I overreacting? Or do I have a right to be kinda pissed? Because, I am pissed.
Yes, you have a right to be upset. However, it sounds as if he is responding out of ignorance, not discrimination. Use the opportunity to educate.
I would do some more research & find out. Your medical information should be kept private & not shared with anybody. I worked for a company that followed this rule, although I'm not sure if it was a company rule or legally forced rule. Check with the human rights & EEOC. I know there is a website for the human rights, if you don't find it pm me & I will get it for you. EEOC deals more with discrimination.
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