Is this baby theft

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New Member
I've done extensive searching online and I can't find any case, thread or post that come close to this situation.

Here is the problem

In June 2008 I pick up my pay check only to find out 40% of it is gone. I contact the HR department to find out what is going on and they provide me with the information that my wages are being garnished. After doing some calling around to different government offices, I find out it's for child support!!!! So my first thought is, there must be a mistake because I don't have any children nor have I ever been married. So I dispute and requested a paternity test, turns out I'm the father of a 15 year old boy!!!! I'm 32 at this point so this conception happened when I was 17. She never told me, never informed me, no hate letter, no anything!! Turns out the only reason she I've been contacted now is she is after money because her husband left her.

I feel robbed in this situation. I was never even given the option to participate in my child's life. He is almost grown and the only reason I know now is because she needs money. I never received my day in court or was notified before my wages were garnished. I feel that my constitutional rights have been violated and I feel that she stole my baby.

1. Can I bring a case against her for baby theft?
2. Do I have to pay child support at this point?
3. What are my options?

A guy in need of help
Ok first of all you need to book a consultation with a family law attorney. At some point you were listed as the father and should have been properly served for paternity. The mom could have been on government assistance so the state forced her to identify the father, but you should have been served and taken a paternity test. So did you actually take a DNA test? Was it throug the courts?

There is no such thing as baby theft. What this woman did was totally wrong but not illegal. Also you only pay child support from the time that mom filed, unless again she was on government assistance. If this child had no legal father (nobody listed on the birth cert) and this child was not born into a marriage, then it is never too late to go after you, unfortunately.
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