Is this employee mistreatment?

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I have been working as a receptionist for an animal hospital in Pasadena, Maryland for about a month now (I'm a temporary employee until I have worked there for ninty days and completed training). It is a privatly owned business. I feel like, not only me but all the associates there are being mistreated. We all do the work assigned to us but everytime someone makes a mistake, whether it be small or not, the receptionist manager yells at us. I don't mean like raise your voice, I mean like yelling til her face turns blue and viens are popping out of her head. Not only that but in front of customers. She also goes out of her way to embarass us. She has a "wall of shame" board that she posts all misrings and messups. She highlights them and posts them for customers and associates to see.
For example the other day I accidently rang up two cans of dog food insead of one, and I had to get my manager to help re ring the sale. Afterwards she took me into her office and proceded to scream at me in my face and was calling me incompetent, ect. After embarrassing me by screaming a me she printed the sales reciept that I messed up on and highlighted it and posted it on the "wall of shame" for every one to see. I just don't understand how she could do somthing like that over something so small. This has been going on for a while and she is like this to everyone.
Now normally I would sit down with someone like this and talk to them about the way she treats me but the other day another "temporary employee" did just that and the next day was fired. I asked why she was fired and my manager answered "Because it was not working out". I learned that as a "temporary employee" I can be fired at any time for no reason.
First I would like to know if this is employee mistreatment or if I am being over sensitive. Secondly I would like to know if there is any laws in Maryland that protect me from this kind of managerial behavior. Lastly I would like to know if there is any legal action I could take or someone I could report this behavior too. I have already reported this to the owner of the clinic but they have been best friends since high school so that went nowhere. thank you.
It is very bad management but it is not any kind of "mistreatment" that is against the law. No laws in Maryland or any other state prohibit bad managment. Nothing that you have posted suggests any kind of legal recourse.
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