Is this even legal.

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This is a question about renting an apt in texas (dallas). I moved in into an apartment this month and the landlord calculated the prorated rent amount for this month based on the market rate which is reasonably higher than the actual monthly rent? My question is, is it even legal to do this? my understanding was the prorated rent was calculated based on monthly rent /30 * no of days that you live in the apartment for that month. Also, even though my lease is 12 months lease, the landlord will not allow my lease to end exactly one year later from the date of my lease beginning. They are saying that they cannot have tenants vacating on certain months of the year and june is one of them, so my lease will end only on july end. can they do all these things. this is driving me crazy. can you gurus please help. Also, this is my first post. My advance apologies if I have not followed all rules accordingly. please go easy on me. thanks.
Does the lease that you signed have anything in it about not vacating in June?

I believe the method to calculate the prorated rent was incorrect, however if it is not a significant amount of money I would not make waves over it... you just got in there and have a long way to go. If it is over $100 difference you could at least ask the landlord about it and see where the conversation goes.

As for the June issue- unless you already have specific plans to leave next June, don't worry about it.
The prorated rent is calculated as you suggested.

I don't know what your landlord is trying to do, other than screw you.

If you haven't moved into that complex, I wouldn't do it.

If you have, legal to YOU is what your lease says.

That is what you agreed to live by, as did your landlord.

Read your lease, learn it's provisions, your answers are in there.

As I said, if you haven't consummated the lease, don't.

In this market, buyers/renters rule.

Don't let crooks and shysters like this creep, to rip you off!!!

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