The business I work for, a Critical Access Hospital, has been in the process for the last 5-6 years of trying to build a new facility. In that process our hospital board has ignored the opinion of many people, including the then CEO, that this would not be financially feasable in the time that the board has outlined for the project. That CEO has since been "let go" due, in my and many other opinions, to his objection to the project. To make a long story short, we have since been in a financial "tailspin". We have posted financial losses monthly, employees are being "encouraged" to use the vacation time to reduce the monetary liability involved, budgets are being cut, raises are being denied, etc. Yet, we continue to pay huge fees associated with architects, consultants, lawyer, etc. related to this building project. My question is, in the event that people are either laid off or even "let go", do the actions by the board and the current management constitute some sort of gross mismanagement or negligence to keep the business "solvent" to the point of being able to sue for loss of employment because of those reasons? Thank you.