Is this harassmnt, or a hippa violation, or anything at all?

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I have worked for a governemental entity in Texas for 6 years. I've never been written up, or received anything less than a sparkling evaluation. I have had a new supervisor for just over a year now. Our "dept" has a total of 3 employees, me, her, and one other person. The other position has been quickly vacated twice since she's been with our company. She has a way of making life miserable for you if she doesn't like you. I've gone to HR regarding her several times for several different things. We've even had mediation once. But this time is different. I have had two emergency surgeries in the last 6 months. My company has a PTO "time off" policy. It is basically a don't ask don't tell take on time off. You want off, rather for sickness or fun, you just take it, if you have it available as long as your job is covered. Anyways, my time off was paid, per my PTO, and she and the other person in our dept. handled the job, which is what we normally do when one is out. But my supervisor constantly hounded me about the fact that i was going to be off work and leaving them with a burden. While i was off she repeatedly called me. Wanting to check on how I was feeling and to find out the state of my health. I didn't feel that my personal health condition was her concern, and I eventually stopped answering the phone. She went as far as looking up my home address and coming to my home to since I would not return her calls. She knew I was alive and well because of my friends in the office that I didn keep in the loop. But, I had instructed them to not give her specific details. Upon my return to work, she approached me in the public office and asked me if my phone was broke since I had not answered her calls? Prior to my surgeries she was full of sarcastic comments about the fact that I had multiple doctors visits, and due to the fact that I had to go to many different specialists just to find the problem. Once my medical condition was pinpointed she commented that it was possible that I wasn't a hypochondriac after all... I feel that she is trying to humiliate me and make me feel guilty for being ill. All of that is even in addition to her taking most of my job duties aay from me, and talking down to me at every chance. These are the types of things she did to the other two girls who eventually gave up the fight and quit. I've been at this company for 6 years and I love my job. How do I save it? I've reported her to HR and I put my complaint in writing. I'm not sure if they are going to move forward with it or not. In the past they have been known to overlook things like this. Do I have a valid case or not? I know I am an at will employee, but what if they fire me for this, just so they can keep her? What is the best way to dal with this?
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