Is this Harrassment?

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My supervisor is usually even tempered. On this day a spreadsheet went bad, he admitted he did not tell me to fix the formulas. He came over to my desk, became somewhat annoyed and picked my arm physically and moved it. NOw, I did not get a bruise but felt very uncomfortable and upset all day. Neither one us had said anything about is. I want to confront him today. What do I do and say? Is is harrassment. I do believe it is. Thanks :(
This is not remotely harassment. It may have been inappropriate to physically move your arm but he didn't do anything illegal. Not even close.

Since your boss is a good guy 99% of the time, he clearly was having a very bad day on this one occasion. I suggest you don't confront your boss but rather ask him if he has a few minutes to visit and when he does, tell him you felt very uncomfortable when he moved your arm. I imagine he will apologize profusely, admit he was having a horrific day (bosses often have stresses going on that subordinates know nothing about), promise it will never happen again, and that will be the end of it.
Is This Harrassment


Thank you for your reply. I did talk to him, and he promised not to do this again. Apparently, he is annoyed when I talk aloud about not being able to do or find something. So I have buttoned my lip.

Mona :rolleyes:
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