Is this illegal marital discrimination?

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My wife and I both work for the same company that involves moving every other year, the company states they will pay for all moving expenses and give you (the employee) a lump sum percentage cash payment of your salary(moving bonus). But for employees that are married to one another only one of the persons will get the payment. How is this not discrimination, based on maritial status?
My wife and I both work for the same company that involves moving every other year, the company states they will pay for all moving expenses and give you (the employee) a lump sum percentage cash payment of your salary(moving bonus). But for employees that are married to one another only one of the persons will get the payment. How is this not discrimination, based on maritial status?

This isn't anything new.

It wasn't too long ago that single people got a better tax break on federal taxes than did married couples.

It is patently unfair, but not illegal.

You could get a divorce to double dip on the employer reimbursements.

Otherwise, you have something money can't buy, a good marriage and you love each other!
I guess I am just confused, because if I was passed up on a promotion or raise because I was married or had kids, wouldn't that be illegal?

Here is the Washington statue on this, am I mis-reading the law?

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It may be discriminatory, but it is NOT illegal discrimination. You are misunderstanding both the statute and your situation.

If you post the exact sub-chapter you're referring to I'll be glad to take a look (being that I'm also in WA state) as what you posted does not apply to your situation anyway, but if you're asking what I believe you're asking the answer will remain the same - yes, it's discriminatory. But it's not illegal.
I guess I am just confused, because if I was passed up on a promotion or raise because I was married or had kids, wouldn't that be illegal?


Here is the Washington statue on this, am I mis-reading the law?


You're probably wondering why?
You're thinking, how can that be?

Under our law, you must be a member of a protected class, in order to suffer discrimination.
Arguing that that isn't right, it isn't fair, or that it is reverse discrimination is meaningless.

The law protects members of certain classes against discrimination.
Those classes are based on: age, over 40 years old; veteran; race; religion; disabled; national origin; color; sex; gender identity; and sexual orientation.
These aren't all protected by the same law, but they are all defined as classes certain laws protect.
As you can see, there is no class for married couples.
Well, at least married couples comprised of a man and a woman!

I think its wrong, but I know it isn't illegal or discriminatory.
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