Is This Illegal?

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New Member
I'm currently living in a rented house in a community here... one girl signed a lease with the company who rents out to everyone and now she's renting out to people in this house. I was just wondering if this was legal? She calls herself the landlord and wrote up a rental agreement that we had to sign saying she was the landlord... but isn't the landlord the company she signed the lease for? She's not actually a landlord? I never signed anything with the company, only the document she wrote up.

I ask because I'm trying to move out and she's making it very, very difficult and some people have told me this contract she wrote up was illegal but others say it is legal and I'm really confused.
It appears that the company has given her a mangerial position. Which would make her Landlord. If you have doubts or concerns contact the compnay and ask. However it would be legal as the company was using her as their agent to manage the dwelling
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