Is this Legal, Deceptive, or Just Unethical

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New Member
Looked but did not see this elsewhere so forgive me if it's been answered.
Short version, Lease is up in 2 months. Been in apt. for 3 1/2 years. Never late on rent, not even once. No complaints. Lived in a 1 bd, then 2, and for last year 3 bd. My rent is substantially higher than neighbors who are have frequent financial issue. Was told 3 bd was 900 until the one I wanted due to close parking because physically disabled (and have placard) was now talked down from 950 to 935 mo. The extra 35 a mo was for "new carpet". Finally gave in due to need for more room (have 21 mo son).
Have since discovered "new carpet" was there at least 5 months and previous tenant had door kicked in by crazy ex and both she and new boyfriend were stabbed on Christmas Eve. Carpet was cleaned, never replaced. Does this constitute "new carpet"? If not, is that not deceiving? Or just unethical?
Also does anybody know if you are physically handicapped and cannot climb stairs and it is documented and the apartment does not provide alternative access to the 2nd floor (no elevator, nothing) is legal for me to have to pay the additional amount charged for a first floor apartment when clearly I would with accommodation take the cheaper 2nd floor apartment. Is this not a form of discrimination?
Have to renew my lease tomorrow and they want $20 more dollars a month when neighbors are at rates of $850 and under. Feel like I'm paying their difference these days. Just wanting to know if there is any legal precedence and if so I'll take the next step but don't want to waste anyone's time when albeit maybe unethical but no legal issues. Help
Honestly, if you're not satisfied...your best bet is to move.

If you are disabled, you have a choice - either put up with the lack of access to the cheaper apartment and choose that, or live in the more expensive but easier-to-access apartment.
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