Hi, I live in LA. I gave a Notice to surrender my apartment on Feburary 5, 2010. Stating that I will be out of the apartment by April 3, 2010. My lease expired on March 31, 2010. However, I was all moved out of the apartment by March 31 & surrendered the keys to the office first thing on April 1st. The leasing agent geve me a quote of less than what they wanted me to pay today for April 1st-April 3rd. Am I still liable for the April 1st - April 3rd rent even thou I am no longer in the apartment? And should I be liable for the amount that they want to charge me more than what they quoted me? Please help! I think this is unfair that I have to pay for the apartment for days that I am not in it & I DID fullfil my lease.