Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Is this not a crime?

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A 15 year manager at one of our retail stores cashed 2 wrongly processed paychecks after she quit last Feb. 2008. She told me that she had destroyed these paychecks and I informed our Payroll Service of their error and to back out the payroll taxes that were on those 2 wrongly cut checks, as they were not owed: this was done. One check was over 4 years old and the other dated last year. She cashed these checks through our stores, doing so on a Sunday (when only Asst.Mngrs. worked) and she knew they would be reconciling Saturday's deposits - the largest of the week. Through deception, the checks were cashed and this totaled almost $4000.00. The police say until they talk to her, the D.A. will not proceed. However, she is not answering their phone calls, not responding to their mail inquiries and not answering her front door. How can you ignore the police? The detective does not seem eager to pursue this. Does this fit the criteria for embezzlement (she was an agent of the company entrusted with payroll)? Fraud? Obtaining money under false pretenses? Thievery? Larceny? Hasn't a crime (not a civil matter) been committed here? Thank you for any help.
Depending on the law in your un-named state, it likely falls under some larceny related statute.

The investigation will take the time it takes. Why are you so eager for it to proceed faster?

- Carl
My state is Oklahoma and I was told that there is a statute of limitations that starts the day the 'crime' was committed.
And that time limit is likely measured in years. They have time to make the case. Unless the crime was discovered in 2004, they likely have a lot of time.

- Carl
I just want to know if what this manager did is a crime or civil matter? If this is indeed a crime, by legal definition, what is the name of the criminal act? Embezzlement? Fraud?, Obtaining money under false pretenses, etc. It seems that Oklahoma does not know.
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