Is This Wrongful Termination

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I have worked for a union company for 14 years and I have recently been transferred to another facility, same company same union. Since being there I Have noticed that everytime there was an issue for exmpl if the phone was ringing and I was on a call already with a customer, the supervisor would come to me and tell me to put my call on hold and answer the next line, there were about 4 other agents in the office as well and this is everyone job description to answer phones, it is in our local union contract. Nowthis supervisor has done this plenty of times. One day I came into work already not feeling well, and the supervisor did the same thing to me again and again there were other agents available to answer phone, but this time I addressed the issue which became a dispute, he did not like the fact that I addressed the issue. After that incident I told my supervisor that I came into work not feeling well and now I feel more sick and I am going home, minutes later the supervisor says to me that all agents are forced to stay 2hours past their shift, but I advised him I am not feeling well and I am leaving, I was only at work for 2hours, I left to go home sick. When I came in the next day my supervisor gave me a termination for failing to stay for 2hours after my shift and said I did not say I felt sick until I was advised I had to stay after my shift, but mind you I left work 6hours before my shift ended due to me not feeling well and also I found out there were other employees that stayed for their full shift feeling fine and just left because they said they are not staying and received no termination at all, that was discrimination all together because I am being penalized for going home sick and the employees that did not stay just because they did not want to were not penalized. I feel this was the supervisor way of retaliation from the dispute we had the day before when I advised him that he was harassing me. Is this wrongful termination? Also in the company due to it being union an employee cannot be terminated on the spot without a hearing, unless there was a physical altercation and there was not one.
Discrimination means you were fired because you belong to a protected class like race,gender age etc. Nothing in your post suggest that is the case here and if so you need to prove it. What you should do is talk to the Union about this and see if there is any violation by the company
I Feel It Was Personal Discrimination And Retaliation Because If There Was Not A Dispute About This Supervisor Harassing Me, This Would Not Have Happened. Out Of Several People Who Were Forced The One That Accused The Supv Of Harassment Was The One That Got Terminated. That Is Personal. I Am Speaking To The Union And Have Filed Complaints, Looking Into Legalities Of This Nature As Well. Pls Advs If You Have Any Additional Info For Me On How To Further Look Into This
Discrimination means you were fired because you belong to a protected class like race,gender age etc. Nothing in your post suggest that is the case here and if so you need to prove it. What you should do is talk to the Union about this and see if there is any violation by the company


Discrimination, per se, is not illegal.

Illegal discrimination means you were fired because you belong to a protected class like race,gender age etc. Nothing in your post suggest that is the case here and if so you need to prove it. What you should do is talk to the Union about this and see if there is any violation by the company.
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