Is Unemployment Claim Affected by Part Time Work as College Adjunct Instructor?

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I was laid off last week from my full-time job of 22 years in Texas. I also teach part-time as adjunct instructor at a local college. The fall semester ended the same day that I was laid off from my full-time job.

I am scheduled to teach two college classes next semester which may not make. Will part-time teaching part-time affect unemployment benefits?

If they are affected, can I choose not to teach without affecting unemployment benefits?

Also, we have moved from the area of the college but I could teach online courses.

Can you help me with this?
Any paid work you do will effect unemployment benefits.
Refusal to work can get you denied benefits.
Failure to report all hours worked can get you denied benefits.
Thank you for your response!

As I understand, I can work and earn up to 125% of unemployment benefits if I work part-time. Part time work as an instructor would be well below that. I understand that it would reduce my unemployment benefits at semester-end. Would it disqualify me from receiving full unemployment benefits at the end of the semester?
No. Each week stands alone. In any week that you perform any part time (or even full time) work, your benefits are affected by that work for that week only. If you do no work in any given week, then you receive your full claim.

This, of course, assumes that you are approved to begin with. No reason to think you won't be, but I've learned after several years at this game to include all the qualifiers. :)
It is very simple, OP.

All you do is REPORT earnings.

The instructions are very clear from the TWFC.

If you aren't clear, ask your caseworker at TWFC.

You have been assigned one, and can inquire by email or telephone.
you can make 25% of your weekly benefit amount.
so if your weekly benefit amount is 400, you can make 100 from your part time job without affecting the your unemployment benefit, and the total will be 500.
any think you make further will affect your benefit to keep your total to 500.
Turning down a full time job will disqualify you from the UI, while doing so to a part time job, will not disqualify you.
hope this will help.
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