it seems illegal and just plain wrong to me

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New Member
I'm 18 and I work at a medical store in Indiana, as a part-time employee and about a week ago, I was extremely sick (sinus infection, coughing up phlegm, small fever) My boss told me that I had to come in the next 2 days for a full work day (8:30-5:30) and i did. i was wondering, was it even legal?
yes, it is legal

as a part time employee, you most likely don't have any company benefits such as sick and vacation time and the typical 'cold and flu' are not illnesses that would be covered as a 'protected' status condition

it is at your employer's discretion
Yes, it was legal because there is no wage and hour law prohibiting it.

Health codes regarding safety normally only apply to where food is being served.
and i did have 3 vacation days and a couple sick days from when i worked full-time during the earlier part of the year
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