New Member

Here is my sad story: I have been divorced from my first wife for 6 years now. We had been married for 23 years. When our original divorce agreement was written up in NJ, I agreed to pay $400.00 alimony and $600.00 C/S. My ex had custody of the kids. She moved to Utah and I have moved to Maine. 3 years ago, my son decided he wanted to live with me. He has been with me for over 2 1/2 years now. For 3 years, I have been trying to get the state of Maine to take jurisdiction. I have spent $8000.00 in legal fees. I have had my SSDI payment garnished in tune of $621.00 per month. My daughter recieves $375.00 a month from my family benefit portion of SSDI. So basically, that covers her C/S.
Now, I am paying my ex for my son who has been with me. I can't get anyone to listen. Even DHS has not listened. Maine has decided not to take the case, even though my son and I live in Maine. I am afraid that if I try to file a motion in NJ that they will not take the case because none of us live their anymore. It is not fair that I should be paying C/S for my sone when I have been taking care of him. Sinse signing the original agreement, my finances have decreased by 60%. I want to go back to work but I am not sure I can financially do it. I would have to go off SSDI and therefore my monthly liability for alimony & C/S would reach $950.00. Which would be half my salary. I am tired of fighting but all I seem to get from anyone to help is a brick wall.
Any suggestions would be appreciated