Linda - I'm not quite sure what your boss means by, "Make it right" so I'm going to give you a couple of different answers, depending.
If your boss means, "you don't have to submit to being assaulted but you are expected to work appropriately with your co-workers; work it out with him so that you can but I'll make the inappropriate touching stop", that's okay. He's allowed to do that.
However, if he means, "you have to put up with whatever this co-worker does and if you don't like it I'll fire you" that is absolutely illegal and you have legal recourse.
The boss is required to make the inappropriate behavior stop. That is all he is required to do. He is not required to fire the co-worker and he is not required to make whatever discipline he takes public; he is not required to tell you what he did to the co-worker; he is not required to separate the two of you; he is not required to transfer you so that you don't have to work with him any more. He is required to make the inappropriate behavior stop. Period.
However, he cannot take any adverse action against you because you reported it, either. Complaining of sexual harassment is a legally protected right.
If you are fired, or if you are in any way treated adversely because of your report, OR if the inappropriate touching does not stop, go IMMEDIATELY to HR if there is one; if there is not, go IMMEDIATELY to the EEOC and/or MCAD. If you do go to HR and if the adverse actions continue, then go to the EEOC and/or MCAD at that time. You do not have to take this kind of treatment and you do have recourse. Good luck