Parole, Probation Jail or probation

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My jurisdiction is: Alabama

My question is, there was a plee agreement at first for 5 years probation inwhich i sign the paper work. Then because my court appointted attorney did not disclosed my pyres, even after I told him i had. The district attorney said I was trying to elude the court about my pyres. So insted of probation I got 3 years. Is there anything I can do
What the heck is "pyres"?? Do you mean priors, as in prior crimes?

I would see if you can contact the judge. Explain to him/her that you disclosed this to your attorney, and they didn't bring it up. I would also try contacitng an attorny other than a public defender. Try one of the personal injury lawyers, as they normally have a free consultation. What you need to check on is if maybe you can sue the public defender for malpractice. It's hard to say without more details.
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