Janiyah Thomas to Newsmax: Trump Will Get Record Number of Black Voters On Nov. 5th!

army judge

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Former President Donald Trump stands to gain record numbers of Black voters in November than have been seen in the past for a GOP candidate because his message is resonating, particularly with men, campaign Black Media Director Janiyah Thomas said on Newsmax Friday.

"Black men care about building generational wealth for their families," Thomas told "Wake Up America." "They care about the economy. They care about having safer neighborhoods. They care about being the provider for their families."

Trump, she added, "is the stronger candidate on all of these issues and all voters know that," and will continue to "deliver his message and go into these communities and talk about the issues that voters care about versus focusing on things that don't really matter to voters."

Meanwhile, Harris' celebrity appearances, such as her star-studded interview with Oprah Winfrey on Thursday won't matter to voters, said Thomas.

"I think she favors celebrity appearances over doing anything of substance," she said. "President Trump is a candidate that speaks to the issues that voters really care about, and Kamala Harris is wasting her time with elitist celebrities from Hollywood."

The Trump campaign in August released a letter Winfrey wrote to him in 2000 when he was considering running for the White House and said they would make a great "team" if they ran for office together.

Trump ended up waiting 16 years for his first presidential campaign, but over time, such celebrity friendships with him dissolved.

The relationships changed, Thomas said, because he chose to run as a Republican, which "didn't align with their elitist agenda."

"It's very disappointing to see the way that people [have] treated him since 2016," she said. "It shows that these people are really not your friends. If you don't align with their agenda, then they're going to turn their back on you."

It's not surprising to me that a member of Trump's campaign staff would echo Trump's claims like the following:

"My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln." June 2, 2020 Tweet.

"My administration is delivering for African Americans like never before. No President has done more for our black community." Trump rally speech March 2, 2020

"I have been the best president for the Black population since Abraham Lincoln," Trump remarks at a Q&A event at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention, July 31, 2024.

If Trump really believes those blowhard claims of his he's delusional. Trump's efforts for the Black community in his first term were pretty modest, falling far short of the mark of the claim that no president has done more for the Black community than he has.

I very much doubt Trump will see any kind of big bump in votes from the Black community in November. If his campaign is counting on that, I think they'll be sorely disappointed.
If you're going to post your opinions about what Trump did for blacks, get your facts straight.

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation's historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.
December 2019 Trump signs bill restoring funding for black colleges

President Trump has revitalized the Black community, creating a more inclusive economy for Black Americans, providing historic funding for our Historical Black Colleges and Universities, expanding school choice, and giving more Black Americans a chance to achieve the American Dream.

President Trump signed the historic FIRST STEP ACT into law.

  • 90 percent of those who have had their sentences reduced are Black Americans.
  • FIRST STEP ACT shortens mandatory minimum sentence for nonviolent drug crimes.
  • The law allows offenders sentenced under racially motivated mandatory minimums to petition for revaluation
  • President Trump launched the "Ready to Work" Initiative, which helps released prisoners gain meaningful employment.
  • President Trump has proposed the Second Step Act to partner with corporate America to create opportunities for former prisoners to rejoin society.
Black Americans are seeing unprecedented levels of economic success with record low unemployment rates, more jobs, and higher incomes.

  • Over 1.4 million more Black Americans have found a job between President Trump's election and February 2020.
  • Black poverty reached a historic low in 2019.
  • President Trump designated 8,760 Opportunity Zones that are projected to spur $100 billion in private investment in minority communities.
  • The Trump administration established a fund to deploy $1 billion in capital funding for minority-owned businesses through the Commerce Department.
President Trump called on Congress to pass school choice legislation to expand educational opportunities for all American children, especially those in our nation's inner cities.

  • President Trump's FY 2020 budget called for $500 million in federal funding for school choice, and in 2018 he signed legislation increasing school choice funding by $42 million.
  • The Trump Administration proposed the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act.
President Trump restored funding and increased investment for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by 14 percent.

  • The Trump Administration provided more than $500 million in loans to HBCUs through the Capital Financing Program.
  • President Trump worked with HBCUs to protect $80 million in Title III carryover funding.
  • President Trump signed the FUTURE Act into law, which permanently funds HBCUs and simplifies the FAFSA application.
  • In 2018, President Trump signed a budget deal which forgave more than $300 million in debt owed by four HBCUs impacted by natural disasters and provided $10 million in loan payment deferments for schools that face financial difficulties, including HBCUs.
  • President Trump worked with Congress to lift the ban on Pell Grants on summer classes.

You better start watching the real polls to see that Trump is significantly up with black males over where he has ever been ever.
If you're going to post your opinions about what Trump did for blacks, get your facts straight.

I do have my facts straight, thank you. It's just that you don't like my opinion of the man. I am just as free to give my opinion here about Trump as you are.
I do have my facts straight, thank you. It's just that you don't like my opinion of the man. I am just as free to give my opinion here about Trump as you are.
Yes, you are free to give your opinion but, you never back it up with real facts. It's just your opinion based on what?
Yes, you are free to give your opinion but, you never back it up with real facts. It's just your opinion based on what?

I have provided real facts, I daresay at least as much as you have. You just ignore the facts I put up, I presume because you think, like Trump, that they are "fake news" when you don't like them.

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