Job being threatened due to harassment by ex husband - what can I do??

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New Member
My ex-husband and I work for the same division in local government however we do not work the same shift or in the same location. Over a year ago, after I had asked for a divorce, my then husband began spreading lies and making slanderous remarks about me throughout our department...he then began sending memos to my immediate supervisors as well as the division deputy directory, claiming that I was having an affair and that they should assume that any reports I filed would be done in an attempt to get him fired. Apparently, in doing so, he effectively covered himself and feels free to do whatever he pleases to make my life miserable including having me suspended for three days based on his word that I had violated our work policy. A few weeks ago he vandalised my car in front of our child and I finally filed a police report. That same day I was relieved of duty and forced to see a psychiatrist as my employer claimed that I was allowing my personal life to bleed over into my professional one. I soon learned, via the psychatrist, that my job was on the line. I am absolutely floored by this as I have done NOTHING to merit dismissal. My ex-husband continues to send memos making false allegations against me even though he is the one who has been harassing me and the only memos I have written were ones that I was ordered to write by management. Other than that, my personal life has not affected my job. I am being treated in a manner that no one else in our department has had to endure and now my job of 20 years is being threatened. I feel that I have no way to protect myself.

Just as a side note, my ex-husband is not a nice person. He has been stalking me, has been reported twice to child services (not by me nor at my request), and has also had local law enforcement called to his house on two separate occasions. They do nothing which I believe is due to his particular profession. In my non-professional opinion, he is a sociopath as he is able to easily charm and manipulate people who often never see who he really is unless something causes him to lose control. I have not felt able to report the majority of his actions as he has proven that he will retaliate...most often through his treatment of our minor child. The vandalism was the last straw - and, even though I felt I did the right thing by reporting it, I am now facing the possible loss of my job. I hope that someone can give me some advice. I feel completely and utterly alone.
No one here can help you, other than to tell you to speak with an attorney (or two) in your area. The initial consultation is often offered free of charge or further obligation.

If you are represented by a union in your workplace, maybe your union can assist you?

Perhaps a conversation with your personnel director or representative might be useful?

Finally, you might wish to approach your local, elected government representatives.

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