Job Eliminated, took lesser position now doing old job less pay

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New Member
My hourly position was eliminated and I took a less senior job in the company (at a 60% pay cut) to keep my health benefits.
Once I decided to take the less senior position, the company decided since I was still here, I should continue doing my old job, just at the greatly reduced rate of pay.
Is that legal?
robhillyer said:
My hourly position was eliminated and I took a less senior job in the company (at a 60% pay cut) to keep my health benefits.
Once I decided to take the less senior position, the company decided since I was still here, I should continue doing my old job, just at the greatly reduced rate of pay.
Is that legal?

Sure, have you ever heard the phrase, and other duties as assigned? This isn't a legal issue, either. As long as you're paid a minimum wage (in most cases), an employer can have you doing most any task. However, if the work isn't to your liking, you can always resign. You can thank the 13th & 14th amendments for that option. Together they outlawed slavery.
So any company can eliminate the positions of all senior hourly employees, then rehire them in lower paying jobs but have them perform the same work?
Anytime they want to?
And I think it's the 13th Amendment you're referring to...
robhillyer said:
So any company can eliminate the positions of all senior hourly employees, then rehire them in lower paying jobs but have them perform the same work?
Anytime they want to?
And I think it's the 13th Amendment you're referring to...

Yes, a company can eliminate all positions and offer to rehire released employees at 50% of their former salary. Or, that same company can fire everyone and rehire no one. That same company can hire new employes at the minimum wage and offer no benefits.

I didn't say I like it, but it can be done. It has been done. It is being done. It happened to you.

Yes, I was referring to the 13th & 14th amendments. Together they outlawed slavery and bestowed equality upon all (in theory, if not in practice). That said, an employee who feels aggrieved by such practices can quit. That employee doesn't have to accept the lower wage. Heck, an employer can hire you at $10.00/hour today, and tell you the next day (before you start your shift) that your wages are bring reduced to $8.00/hour effective at the start of the aforementioned shift. You can say, no thanks, and quit. Or, thank you, big bossman.

These are crappy times, my friend. America is destroying itself.
The founders wouldn't be proud.
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