Job Reference

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The state or country I am talking about is: California and Arizona

This maybe a long question. Here you go...
My husband worked for COX in California and wanted to transfer to Arizona. He talked to HR in Arizona and was told about the next hiring class. He was told he would have to quit in California and start over in Arizona. They even retrain you. My husband gave two weeks notice in California and was set up for a phone interview the Saturday after his two weeks ended. Two days before he was to leave one supervisor asked to speak with him. He stated that his direct boss never told HR that he gave notice (direct boss forgot). They told him that he was not guarenteed the position in Arizona. He let them know about his phone interview for the next day and told them either way he needs to be in Arizona the following week to hopefully start his positon with COX or find another job.
He has his phone interview and was told they would call him by Friday and if not to call them. Of course they did not call. He left numerous messages but no one called him back. He went to Arizona and waited for Steven (the guy who gave him the phone interview). He was able to talk to Steven face-to-face and Steven stated that HR was concerned about how he left COX in California. My husband explained the situation and Steven said for him to call HR, that he had two positions opened on his team and that he would back him up. He told him to have HR call him if they had any questions.
Well, he called HR, left numerous messages and now after almost a week, no one has called him back. My husband talked to some of his friends in California and was told that his old supervisor (supervisor for 1 week), told Arizona damaging information about him during a phone reference. My husband has never been written up at work or had any issues. My question is how much information is a company able to disclose during a phone reference check? My husband, so far it looks like, will not be hired because of information this person disclosed. Can we find out what he disclosed and if so, how???

My question is how much information is a company able to disclose during a phone reference check? They can share nearly anything they wish to, provided it is factually accurate or represents their honest opinion.

My husband, so far it looks like, will not be hired because of information this person disclosed. Can we find out what he disclosed and if so, how??? Not unless the employer or individual want to voluntarily tell you what was said and of course they'd have no reason to do so. You have no legal right to know what was said in a reference check.

I find the whole situation rather odd - that your husband was required to formally resign from one division of the comany before he would be considered for an opening in another - but unfortunately what it boils down to is that your husband quit his job without a formal job offer or any assurances that he'd have a job at the other location.

Perhaps I don't understand the company's internal recruiting practices but even so, nothing you describe indicates anything illegal took place.
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