join credit card issue

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New Member
Hi. I really need a advise. My husband and i married for 4 years, but from September of 2008 we are separated. I want to file for divorce, but i couldn't do this before, because i just recently got my green card for 10 years. will i have any problem with my citizenship later? another big issue with my divorce is we have a joint credit card together and no matter what i did bank doesn't let me take off my name from it. now this card is totally overdue and completely destroyed my credit score. he doesn't pay for it anymore, he says-he doesn't want to pay for it, he doesn't have money for this and he doesn't care about his credit score (his credit history completely destroyed from his drinking earlier, from a lot of medical bills from a hospitals and rehabs, of course he didn't pay for it either). I have 8 years old son (from another man) and my husband doesn't pay me any money for support. I recently lost a job and i don't have money for this credit card and i don't want to pay for it- i haven't spend a penny from it, my husband spent on himself and other things (in December i found out he has a one year and 10 month old daughter in Russia). i want a divorce, but i still want to have my citizenship and don't have any problem with this and i want the bank take off my name from this credit card and clear my credit history or the court make him to pay for it and make just him responsible for it. thanks for any help and advice.
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