Joint Car Loan

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New Member
My ex and I have been seperated for 1.5 years. Our divorce just became final on 1/28/08. We have a joint car loan for a car that I have not seen for 1.5 years or driven. He agreed to make payments (and has been off and on) and the judgement states this. I now need to get my name off the loan. I am told that he needs to refinance individually but to be honest, I doubt he will. And if he does, I don't know that he will get approved.
How can I go about getting my name off the loan or at least not be held responsible for payments?
This should have been taken care of in the divorce. Ask your attorney. Whose name is on the title?
The finance company is stating final judgement of the divorce cannot remove my name from the loan.
Both of our names are on the title and the loan.
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