Joint Purchase

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I started dating my boyfriend January 2010. In July 2010 we purchased a horse trailer together. I had a horse trailer at the time that was free and clear of loans etc and I sold that trailer and used the money to pay down my line of credit and also as a down payment on the new trailer. We both put the same money down and we have split the monthly payments.

We split up in October and he is insisting that he pick the trailer up and move it to a lot to be sold. This would mean I would have no trailer, since I sold mine to buy this one. There is no advantage to moving it to a trailer lot to sit. Do I have any say in this?

We are joint on the loan and joint on the ownership.

I sent him a letter, please see below:

December 29, 2010-12-29

This letter is to outline options for settling the trailer agreement on the Sundowner we both entered into in July, 2010.

I have spoke to my lawyer about different options and the following is the outcome:

My first choice is to have you removed from the loan and carry it on my own. After approaching the banks to take the loan solely in my name I have been denied and therefore, this is not an option to rectify the situation. This leaves me in a difficult situation since I sold my trailer in order to purchase the new one jointly with you.

During our last discussion, you demanded that this have some type of resolution by the end of December. Therefore, I am left with no choice other than for you to take the trailer and buy me out for the deposit I applied in the amount of $7500.00.

If you choose not to take this option, we will both need to take active parts in advertising the trailer for what we paid for it, since it was only within the last few months, there is no reason for the trailer to have depreciated in this short time. Payments will continue to be paid by both parties in equal payments. The trailer will continue to stay at my ranch until sold, every effort will be made to sell it in order to allow closure of this debt for both of us. I will make the trailer available for showings on short notice by any Dealer clients or online clients through our own advertising efforts.

Should you wish to have immediate resolution, please let me know when you would like to arrange to pick up the trailer and provide me a certified cheque for $7500.00. Please understand, it is my priority to have closure on this purchase with you.

If I do not receive a written letter of intent by Monday, January 3rd. I will proceed accordingly.

Without Prejudice,

Not sure what I should do now. I'm afraid he will come pick up the trailer and I will have nothing. He has 2 other trailers of his own that he can use. I have nothing if this one goes???
You both have equal rights to the trailer.
One of you needs to buy the other one out.
If you can't agree and resolve it, I suspect he will seek legal redress.
He has no more right to the trailer than you do.
Wouldn't it be easier to buy him out?
If you don't, he will seek a court irder to sell the trailer.
In the end, you both lose.
No one is gonna pay you what you've invested in a used trailer in this economy. No one. Try to negotiate a mutually agreeable settlement. If you don't, your loss will be greater.
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