joint tenants with right of survivorship

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I own a house with my soon to be ex-fiance. We are vested as subject line reads. We have owned this home for over 5 years. We split household obligations and I have invested as much, if not more, than he has over the years into this house.
A couple of years ago, I was going to leave him and he consulted lawers and basically told me that he was going to screw me out of my equity and he could easily do it. I was under the impression that it was just 50/50. I didn't want to hire a lawyer because I've heard in these situations, lawyers will just drag it out so THEY can eat up our equity and the end result would still be 50/50.
Now that I'm ready to leave again and definitely this time, I'm wondering what I should do - should I consult a lawyer - do I have anything to worry about? We have a LOT of equity in this house and I want 50%, nothing less, nothing more.
Obviously, the thing you want to do is have him buy you out.

If that doesn't work, then you will need to file a partition lawsuit which is long and expensive.
That is my question - obvioulsy I want to have him buy me out - or we sell.
Last time, he offered to pay me MUCH less than half the equity of our equity.
This is my question - do I need to hire a lawyer just to get my HALF of the equity?
Unless you are willing to accept what he offers, you will have to file suit. For that you need an attorney. Does that clear up SJ's reply for you?
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