Joke related to discrimination at work, is it legal?

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I work part time as an intern for a nonprofit organization. There are some other part time interns at the office. We work different schedules so we do not really know each other. Two weeks ago, we had a chance to work together for some hours. After work, we went to a bar to have some drinks and then we went back to the office. We were still in control of our words. I did not say any offensive words at all for the whole conversation. However, when I left, an intern said:

"Get away, Ho Chi Minh b*tch!"

I could not believe in myself that I could hear that from an intern. The supervisor was there, she was surprised and she just told him:

" Oh, you should not say that"
That was all she said. I was shocked and stared at him. He said "Sorry, I was just joking."

I couldn't believe that he could make that such of joke about my race. I have been here for two years, but I have not ever heard someone say something that offensive to me about where I am from as this time.

Did he break the law of discrimination?
Do I have the right to sue him in this case?
Cbg is correct. If, however, he continues to spew anti-Asian comments and/or anti-female comments in your presence, you should lodge a complaint with one of your employer's managers. (If there is a protocol for reporting discrimination complaints, you should follow it.)

ONLY if similarly offensive comments continue unabated and management fails to stop him after you formally complain, THEN it may be time to think about legal action. Fortunately, you appear figuratively miles and miles away from such circumstances manifesting here.

Nonetheless, be wary of this fellow. Often people reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings when "lubricated" with alcohol.
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