judge did not act in my daughters best interest what do i do now

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New Member
so i have been back and forth with the court fighting for full sole legal physical custody of my one year old daughter i have evidence proving that my ex wife puts her in danger and i have evidence that my ex wife has violated the court order of joint custody but everytime we get infront of the judge my ex wife cries and the judge says ok i will give you a chance and award joint custody how many chances are they going to give her my daughter isnt safe with her my ex wife admitted to the court that she is self mutalating herself with my daughter in the house she admitted that she cannot financially support my daughter i have police reports about all the violence in my ex wifes home. my ex wife has had her other 3 children taken away from her for all the same reasons and the judge is not doing anything what can i do i am trying to appeal the judges decision because i have tried a motion for reconsideration and that didnt work i have tried a motion for contempt and that didnt work i dont know what else to do but i have to protect my daughter so someone please give me some kind of advice
so i have been back and forth with the court fighting for full sole legal physical custody of my one year old daughter i have evidence proving that my ex wife puts her in danger and i have evidence that my ex wife has violated the court order of joint custody but everytime we get infront of the judge my ex wife cries and the judge says ok i will give you a chance and award joint custody how many chances are they going to give her my daughter isnt safe with her my ex wife admitted to the court that she is self mutalating herself with my daughter in the house she admitted that she cannot financially support my daughter i have police reports about all the violence in my ex wifes home. my ex wife has had her other 3 children taken away from her for all the same reasons and the judge is not doing anything what can i do i am trying to appeal the judges decision because i have tried a motion for reconsideration and that didnt work i have tried a motion for contempt and that didnt work i dont know what else to do but i have to protect my daughter so someone please give me some kind of advice

Are you represented by an attorney?

What is your "proof" that your ex's actions are a danger to this child? Who was it that "took" the other children away? DCF? The other parent(s)?

And what reason did the Judge give for denying a COC?

ETA: If you are Dad why is your user name "worriedmommy"??
dcf took the other three children away from her my proof the judge i have a copy of her psych record her dcf record for her other children 2 police reports letters from my daughters daycare, witness statements that she abused my child in front of them,pictures of rashes that she sends her back to me with, letters from doctors, she admitted that she is self mutilating herself to the probations officer that acted as a mediator,she admitted to the judge that she is unstable and cannot financially support my daughter and the judge just keeps saying joint custody. she made jokes after we walked out of court that the judge was dumb because she knows she doesnt deserve custody and was convinced herself that she was going to lose because of all the evidence i have against her she said that even she would have granted me custody but she has to fight for my daughter because if she doesnt she will lose her apartment. i dont know what else to do i work full time i make enough to provide for my family but i cant afford an attorney because they dont offer payment plans
Is your ex also the birth mother? If so, that might explain the high hurdle that has been set.

If the judge is not agreeing with your contention, about all you can do is keep reporting any problems or court order violations when they occur. You might also try to borrow the money needed to hire an actual attorney who can help you with this process. There may well be some legal issues that you are missing that could be properly addressed with an experienced attorney.
yes she is the birth mother but i am on the birth certificate as the other parent and i dont know about you but no one in there right mind is going to loan the 20,000 dollar retaner most lawyers want
worriedmommy09 said:
yes she is the birth mother but i am on the birth certificate as the other parent and i dont know about you but no one in there right mind is going to loan the 20,000 dollar retaner most lawyers want

Just keep fighting for your child. Even if you lose, you did your best.
You might want to contact a gay
and/or lesbian support group. They might offer you legal assistance.

I suspect you're being discriminated against because of your sexual preference. It isn't right, but it does happen. Good luck and keep fighting for your child!
Just keep fighting for your child. Even if you lose, you did your best.
You might want to contact a gay
and/or lesbian support group. They might offer you legal assistance.

I suspect you're being discriminated against because of your sexual preference. It isn't right, but it foes happen. Good luck and keep fighting for your child!

Both parents are gay. Why would OP be the only one to be targeted by the "homophobic judge"?

I think it is more likely, based on OP's postings, that she isn't able to properly represent herself. She really needs to find the money to hire a good Family Law Attorney.
Perhaps if you look at it as a situation of mother and father it might help explain the perception of bias. Frequently a mom gets custody of a child and the dad has to struggle for anything to change. There is no reason to think that this bias in favor of the birth mother will change all because both parents are female as opposed to one being male - it is still about a birth mother and another parent.

Whether that is the case or not, no one can say.

What I have tended to find is that when one does not have an attorney, one tends to make mistakes whether they think so or not. You just may not be making your case as well as you should. So, if you have no money for an attorney (and $20,000 seems incredibly high!) then about all you can do is keep plugging away.
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