Judgement against me

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New Member
Back in Feb 2009, my 23 year old Nephew and his Girl friend Moved from Pennsylvania to Mass. They were looking to get a fresh start, so I took them in, gave them work, and we went looking for apartments. They had no money so I offered them, and told the landlords, that I would put up the security and first moths rent. I am a Rotarian and was referred to another member who rents apartments. I took my Nephew and his partner to see the apartment which was under construction at that time and need major work and carpeting. The owner stated that she was leaving on vacation for a few weeks, the apartment would not be done until then, but would take an application and let them know if they were accepted. They had their information on the application, yet the women called me to tell me they were accepted, and could move in when the apartment was done, and she returned from vacation. My Nephew continued to look and a couple of days later found an apartment that was cheaper and was available right away. He decided to move in and did. Two weeks later the women returned from vacation and again called me to tell me they could move in. I told her that they found another apartment and was no longer interested. She blew a fuse and hung up on me. She insisted that she held the apartment for them and now she was out two weeks because she could have continued to advertise it. (She was on vacation in Puerto Rico?) Her husband came up to me in Rotary a week later and got in my face. He stuck his finger in my face and said "that was a shitty thing you did to us, now we are out money". I felt intimidated and threatened and did not know what to say. He said, "you have to make it right" I said, again feeling vulnerable "mail me the bill". Later I got a letter stating that I was being sued for March's rent. I went court this past Wed and both sides presented their cases. I asked that the case be dropped because I NEVER signed an application or lease. Their issue, if any, was with my nephew. The plaintiff argued that I agreed to pay him, I did not, and that they were at a loss because he did not take the apartment (he also did not have a lease signed with them). I am Dyslexic and got nervous when the judge was asking me questions. I am shocked and saddened that the judge would find me responsible for my nephew not taking their apartment. My letter says I have the right to appeal before a judge or jury. Should I do this? Why was I even liable for this account? I know the judge harped on his comment about me saying I would pay him and did I? The truth is no, but did under duress say mail me a bill. When I got the bill I was annoyed and thought why should this cost me $750.00? I spoke to a mediator before the case thinking that I would settle on half and chalk it up to a misunderstanding, but they refused. It was obvious in court that they have way more experience as landlords in the court. I am disappointed and feel ripped off. Any help would be appreciated.

It's important to remember that in many states oral contracts can be legally binding. The fact that you told them to "mail me a bill" is a good indication that you agreed to do exactly this.

You can, of course, appeal if you wish. If you feel your dyslexia will work against you at another hearing, consider hiring an attorney to present your side of the case in court.

It's important to remember that in many states oral contracts can be legally binding. The fact that you told them to "mail me a bill" is a good indication that you agreed to do exactly this.

You can, of course, appeal if you wish. If you feel your dyslexia will work against you at another hearing, consider hiring an attorney to present your side of the case in court.

Gail, First thanks for taking the time to respond. Second, I think I made that statement more out of duress, as he was in my face, and I felt threatened. In my mind I thought I had to say something to get away from this guy. I have decided to pursue an appeal. Would it be better to go before a judge, or a jury? Perhaps the jury will see it as a resonable response. I still can't believe I was dragged into this to begin with, as they were dealing with my Nephew, not me. Infact, they only ever took applications from them, not me. The last part that is disturbing is that my Nephew never took the apartment because these people were going on vacation and would not have it ready until they came back. He had the right to move on and find another place, he never had a contract. I can understand that if there was an exchange of goods or services and we had a verbal contract, that would be one thing. They had NO reason to come after me to begin with other then they were angry. I just served as an introduction.
I'm sorry; I can't tell you whether it would be better to go before a judge or jury.

I'm assuming that on appeal you'd be presenting to a different judge, correct?

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