judgement aginst wife

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My wife has received a letter attempting to collect for a vehicle repossessed during a previous marriage.(approx 17 years ago) She was told that a judgement had been entered in 2004. she was summoned to court and did appear and waited in the correct area but did not check in with the clerk. she returned home and called me to say that no one was there to meet her. we soon received the bench warrant in the mail. I have two questions, first does she have any options to remove the warrant other than the obvious (posting bond)? and what are my liabilities for this debt? we live together but have no shared property (everything is in my name alone) and banking has remained separate since we married 11 years ago. Thank you for your time.
You should have no liability for the debt of your wife, especially when it seems to be personal and you weren't even involved with her at all. With regard to her options, I can' tell you as I haven't seen the paperwork. If she appeared in court then she has a good reason for not appearing - have you spoken to the court clerk? There is a process you have to go through and it may require some additional formalities until you can get it sorted out. Process varies by state and jurisdiction, which is why we ask for it.
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