judgement changed while incarcerated

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The original copy of the judgement/sentence sheet that the judge and I both signed was changed while I was in jail. The more I looked at the original and the 2nd copy side by side the more I noticed had been changed. You can clearly see on the 2nd copy that someone either attempted to erase or white out the checks in the gross misdimeanor boxes and then checked the felonys. The 2nd copy also has a stamp/label that says "DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT FILED" and the date the original does not. I stood there along with my mom and grandparents and they also remember that everything was gross misdimeanor and signed it. I didn't know you could go and change signed documents, copy them and expect the original to be worthless? I served my time, did the court requirements, now have 5 years probation. I was wondering if this situation can be eliminated due to the fact that the documents were changed. BUT the probation agreement that i signed said felony on it. If anyone has any idea of what I can do to put this all behind me or if you need more information I would greatly appreciate it.
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